Thank you for taking the time to look at my photographs. I am a full time photographer and filmmaker currently living on the Oregon coast. I found photography in high school. Working unsupervised in our schools darkroom, I explored different styles of photography and the medium became an addictive magic to me.
After graduation, I moved to the Hudson Valley where I studied Fine Art at SUNY New Paltz, New York before transferring to the University of Oregon, happily earning an BA Degree in Film and Animation.
I am blessed to shoot with clients and sponsors that keep me afloat throughout the year, Including Polar Pro filters, Third eye headlamps, Ethnotek packs, Smartwool and Hot Chilis.
A few of my recents credits in Photography include winning the US National Parks Foundation photo contest, also winning 2nd place for “DP” Digital Photographer Magazines “Best Shot” of 2021.
You can find my work in in several publications including Shotkit Magazine, Digital Photographer, Oregon Live and Western Home Journal. Also in advertisements for popular outdoor gear companies and camera brands.
Landscape photography is a meditative journey, helping me to connect to myself and the world around me. My work is inspired and explored by my relationships with nature, mood, music, words, color and composition.
Matte Hanna