Today my artistic style is abstract. Twelve years ago I realized that painting what I could physically see was no longer inspiring and I wanted to paint the unseen. Because I had been teaching art for many years I assumed that I could teach myself but it was a bigger challenge than I expected. I knew that all the basic techniques should work, composition, color , values, etc., yet finding whatever wanted to be expressed was much harder. What is that urge wanting to create? I still look for that answer in every painting. I try lots of different things, different mediums, styles of applications, and collage occasionally. Lately I am enjoying working with water and paint. I begin with texture often then add water then paints. Water is the boss, all I do is watch what happens, and where it goes. Spontaneous unpredictable flowing water, colored and sometimes manipulated. I feel like a partner in the process and hardly ever like the boss. I enjoy letting the viewer define the art and it's rarely what I thought was happening. I hope my art is engaging, interesting or maybe evokes feelings or imagination.