My work is considered 'outsider' art as I am self-taught. My one guiding principle has been the pursuit of beauty and capturing the poetic moments of being. Fractionalism, my current style, evolved from this process. It reflects the current state of the media's presentation of information: broken, filtered/biased, and thus incomplete. It uses shading, cubist planes, color theory, and both personal and common experiences, and a variety of subjects, to capture limited truths. I paint in series, with each series investigating a concept to find the common threads that both define and elucidate the beauty in poetic moments. Thus my fifty-plus year career has produced investigations into ideas that follow the course of life: the awe and naivety of youth; identification and honing of the self; surviving the immersion into the work place; the acceptance and rejection of political and social systems; the trial of bonding and marriage; and the challenge of aging yet the acquisition of wisdom. With wide acceptance from across the nation, my art has been in over 260 juried shows acquiring 23 awards.