Join as an Artist
Artists that sign with us have the option of displaying their art a minimum of three months at one location and continuing on for another three months at multiple locations thereafter. Nicart takes care of the transport and hanging of all art as well as the processing of all transactions. We also take care of any shipping and handling if the art is sold online.
All of the artists we represent receive not only the benefit of having their art shown in multiple locations within the area, but they are also promoted as featured artists via multiple eBlasts sent to our followers, on our website and on Nicart Gallery's social channels. The artists simply submit their work and collect a check for anything that sells off the walls or online.
Please view our Plans and Pricing page for more details and information or contact Nicole Graham to discuss the particulars of how long you would like to display for, where to send your information, when the next showing is available and where your art can be dropped off.
Please visit our "What to Provide" page and feel free to contact if you have any further questions.